Moon and Stars.

The obvious crater with
rays beaming from it in the
south is Tycho and the dark
areas are the maria
(singular mare).
Mare means sea: early
telescopic observers,
including Galileo,speculated
that the dark, smoother
areas were bodies of water
and gave them water body names. The maria are actually basalt
rock from massive lava flows ending circa 2 gigayears ago. In a
sense the maria are seas of frozen rock filling giant basins.
Before the telescope, various images were thought to be seen on the
Moon's surface. The most common were the "Man in the Moon'' (i.e.,
a man's face) in Europe and the Rabbit in parts of Asia and the
Americas. I can sort of see the Rabbit actually.
Apollo 11 landed in Mare Tranquillitatis (th eSea of Tranquility)
in 1969: this mare is left of the center line at a mid-latitude.
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